Trego Takeaways
Dr. Trego has been designing and validating assessments for over 40 years. His commitment to understanding how human behavior correlates to performance on the job has been his life’s passion. These articles provide insight pertaining to various aspects of the pre-employment hiring process.
TPS Endorsement Scale
Predicts a candidate’s suitability for a position
Ready for the Biggest Test?
Employers want to make sure employees have the skills to do their jobs.
Job Experience
The true value of job experience involves three levels of job experience, none of which are related to length of job experience.
Decisions Theory and Employee Selection
The goal of employee selection strategy is to maximize hits and correct rejections while minimizing misses and bogus selections
5 Most Important Traits of Successful Salespeople
Learn about Dr Trego’s critical sales behavior
TPS Conscientiousness Scale
Conscientiousness scores and general mental ability scores and related
Never Judge a book by its Cover
Applicants are not always what they appear to be
General Mental Ability
Is the best predictor of job-related learning, promotion and for overall job performance for virtually every job
Can personality Change?
For most of us, our personality is remarkably stable over time