Cobi Collins

Vice President Client Experience

Cobi, a Baylor University graduate and veteran of the employee assessment industry, is a master workforce strategist. She empowers business owners and leaders to resolve their people challenges for good, transforming them into talent magnets and destination employers. By helping organizations attract, retain, and lead top-tier talent, Cobi enables them to outpace the competition, amplify their strategies, and achieve their ultimate goals.

In the U.S., high employee turnover and low performance represent a trillion-dollar challenge often caused by poor organizational planning in hiring and long-term team development. Cobi built her 25+ year career on the belief that this issue is entirely solvable. She has consistently delivered actionable solutions to help organizations optimize their people strategies and build more effective teams.

Cobi specializes in making complex workforce issues simple. Through a detailed audit of current processes, she identifies gaps, streamlines systems, and transforms managers into inspiring leaders. Her approach unlocks the true potential of employees, fostering workplaces where people thrive and productivity flourishes. By enhancing the workplace experience, Cobi ensures positive ripple effects into employees’ personal lives, while building stronger, future-ready organizations.